Thursday, September 27, 2018

                                                                  Wheel of wow prizes updated!!                                                                                                                                                                                                   wheel of wow prizes updated and the prizes for are...


And the prizes for webkinz mobile wheel are...

Last but not least the prizes for the Deluxe wheel are...

I am sure people are looking but no one is leaving any comments 
so please tell me what you think!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018



                 There is another Spree! And there are some great new pieces!  

Tell me what your looking ford to get!
Thank you!!


There will be a sale every Tuesday at E-store and W-shop!! But for those who don't have E-store point or is not deluxe, I was Wondering if almost everything at the W-shop is going to be Deluxe? I hope it wont be!! Please tell me how exited everyone is!! Thanks!

Friday, September 21, 2018

                    I have a code!!!


Different people get different items, so let me know what you get.  

More Room Designs


Hi everyone there are more room designs!!! there are fourteen and they are...

Rock Castle by Tuckerhr20

Live Coral Reef by Larzy

Outside Snow Room by everella

Treetop Room by STEPHANIE

Indoor Garden CafĂ© by Firestormwolf

Trading Card Two Room by 1miruna

Upstairs/Downstairs Room by Melonkinz 

Splash Zone by Lovelykittykinz

Party Time Stage by Dorothy

Guest House by SUSAN

Farm With The Spider by Tina


Lovely Room by ZAYAC

Melting Snow Room by MSDIANA1136

So which one is your favorite, please tell me in the comments below. Thanks!! 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

                          KinzStyle Outlet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   KinzStyle Outlet!! 

You don't have to worry any more, the summer 
 clothes are coming back!! They will be back September 26 

You probably already know this so I want to know what everyone does when new lines come out. Do you get every item, do you just get the ones you like the most or do you have your own method? please tell me below. Thank you!!   

Fall Fest


                                                                                                FALL FEST

         I am very exited about fall fest starting September 22-30. If you're not deluxe, you can get up to 6 a day, if you are deluxe you can get up to 9!! We get some new prizes as well as ones from last year, I especially like this because we now can get extra items from last year and if there was any thing you did not get last year you can get it this year.   

    For those who have e-store points you can find at Ganz e-store, packs of 2018 Fall Fest Soda...

                      And the prizes are...

If anyone has any questions, concerns, or comments leave them at the bottom.I want to here how exited everyone is. Let's get into the fall spirit !!    

          Hi everyone,
I'm Lexie!!

Hi,I am the creator, one of the authors, and publisher of Webkinz Newz Mini. My very good friend Caroline will be helping me with this new project. I created Webkinz Newz Mini because I wanted to help and get more involved with Webkinz Newz so I thought I should make this blog. This blog was made to discuss activities on webkinz and to add some activities of our own!! Please leave coments at the bottom. Thank you!!!