Thursday, September 20, 2018

Fall Fest


                                                                                                FALL FEST

         I am very exited about fall fest starting September 22-30. If you're not deluxe, you can get up to 6 a day, if you are deluxe you can get up to 9!! We get some new prizes as well as ones from last year, I especially like this because we now can get extra items from last year and if there was any thing you did not get last year you can get it this year.   

    For those who have e-store points you can find at Ganz e-store, packs of 2018 Fall Fest Soda...

                      And the prizes are...

If anyone has any questions, concerns, or comments leave them at the bottom.I want to here how exited everyone is. Let's get into the fall spirit !!    


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