Sunday, October 28, 2018

                   Webkinz Newz Week
-------------------------------------------------------           There is going to be a Webkinz Newz Week November 1-7!! You can go to the clubhouse and click on the Webkinz Newz Room. Every day for a week and receive a coin with Ella's face on it by watching a small video! 
                     You can also get a prize by clicking on Ella Micwoof  and those prizes are...
Please leave a comment below and tell me how exited you are! Thank You!!


  1. i'm excited! i really want the hat!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hey Lexie! thanks for the package on webkinz! :)

  4. sorry i had to change my blogger profile. My mom didn't want it on there

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Abigail, and welcome Megan! Your welcome, Abigail. I hope both of you are enjoying my blog!! I love that hat too, the mug is really cool, and the coins will probably be a collectors item!! I love collecting items especially webkinz newz items with Ella, Mandy, Michael, Steve, and Sally Webkinz on them!!

  7. Hi there! Nice blog! This is Chum Chum, your new friend you met at the trading room today!

  8. Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment! I post pretty often! So I hope you will keep checking my blog and leaving comments! Hope I see you in Webkinz world soon!

  9. Awesome! I will remember to check here often for the latest webkinz news!
