Monday, December 31, 2018

Last chance 
                            Last chance
Hi everyone, last chance to buy the Christmas themes! Here is the First theme the Christmas Cabin!

The next Christmas theme is only on mobile but it's free!
Now you can sell items and move rooms on mobile!

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! I hope you have Enjoyed this post! Please leave a comment at the bottom and tell us how excited you are about the Christmas themes and  the New Year! Thank You!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

                     Thank You Everyone

                      Thank You Everyone 

Hi everyone, We have gotten 550 views! I started this blog September 20 2018, and now it is December 30 2018! Thank You Everyone for looking at the blog and leaving comments! I could not have done this without all of you! Thank You!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

            Christmas Calendar

            Christmas Calendar

Hi everyone, here is my Christmas Calendar! Every day I will circle the date that it is and enjoy the fun count down to Christmas!

Please leave a comment below and tell me how exited you are! I hope you like this fun peppermint Christmas Calendar! Thank You!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

                Christmas Events
                  Christmas Events

Hi everyone, sorry I have not posted in awhile. I want to talk about all the Christmas events, and first we have a free code ( W24E-8R4T-33H8-LFEW )! Webkinz newz is having a Christmas count down calendar, starting December 14! Keep your eyes open I will have a count down too! I'll update it every day! Please leave comments below and tell me how exited you are! Please tell me what the back ground should be for the count down, like... candy canes or Christmas trees! Thank You!

Monday, November 26, 2018

                       New Events
                       New Events
Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Both of the wheels of wow and Deluxe wheel has been updated to Christmas and winter items! There are a lot of new events. The first event is, December 1-31 there will be a floaty clicky of the  Snowy Retriever Puppy medallions! For deluxe player you can get 5 a day, if you are not you will get 4 a day! December 8-13 we will get free plays! December 14 - 24 we will be able to get a prize from Miss. Birdy, you will also pick a gift from Santakinz and get it on Christmas! December 25th you will get 25 Snowy Retriever Puppy medallions!! December 26 - 31 there will be a new challenge! Please leave a comment below! Thank You!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Webkinz Event Overview

                Webkinz Event Overview
Hi everyone, I will be talking about a few different events today so let's get started. First thing, don't forget to log into Webkinz on Thanksgiving , you will get a Thanksgiving basket with three prizes. The Christmas theme is very cute, I can't wait! It comes out December 1st, Ganz always does a great job with all the themes!

 I am really excited because November 21st we will be able to move our rooms, I am so happy!  How exciting, when you have to move a room but where you need it a different size room or a outdoors, tree top, or under water room. Now just move the whole room! Remember it comes out the day before Thanksgiving! Now last but not least, who do you think is going to become the next Mayor? We have seen 3 out of 4 who are running for Mayor they all have great promises. Please leave a comment at the bottom. Thank You! 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

                                           Bake Sale 3
Hi everyone, Nov. 13-25 there will be a Bake Sale! Here is a look at the Bake Sale Goody's.

These Baked Goods can make 10 different prizes here's a look at theses amazing prizes!  

You will get the Bake Sale book when you log into Webkinz! There are mutable ways to get Bake Sale goods...

  • Log in and you will get one
  • Click on the floating Bake Sale boxes and get one
  • Go to today activity's and get one
  • You can get one though Webkinz Newz every day 
  • Spin the wheel of Yum every day and get a chance to win a Bake Sale good or a peach pie and you can win a Bake Sale prize or the rare hotel pool
Please leave a comment below! Thank You!

Friday, November 9, 2018

                   Thanksgiving Calendar 

Hi everyone, This is my Thanksgiving Calendar! Every day I will up date my calendar to how many days until Thanksgiving. Come to this post everyday to count down to Thanksgiving with me on Webkinz Newz Mini!

Please leave a comment below and tell me how exited you are about Thanksgiving!! Thank You!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

                   Webkinz Newz Week
-------------------------------------------------------           There is going to be a Webkinz Newz Week November 1-7!! You can go to the clubhouse and click on the Webkinz Newz Room. Every day for a week and receive a coin with Ella's face on it by watching a small video! 
                     You can also get a prize by clicking on Ella Micwoof  and those prizes are...
Please leave a comment below and tell me how exited you are! Thank You!!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Wheel Prizes Updated
Hi everyone! The Wheel of Wow prizes have been updated! For Webkinz World the prizes are now...

For mobile the prizes are...

And last but not least  for deluxe prizes are...

I hope you noticed that in Webkinz World we now have a chance to get the tuxedo cat medallion!
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. Thank You!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

                  New Clubhouse Room  
---------------------------------------------------                    New Clubhouse Room

There is a new room in the clubhouse for the rest of the month but they will  not be all the same. There will be three different rooms and three different color themes! You also get a prize every day if you go to the clubhouse! But I am not going to tell you what they are so you have to log in to Webkinz World to see what they are. Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think. Thank You!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

A look back at 2016 Cookie Design Contest 
A look back at 2016 Cookie Design Contest

In 2016 there was a Cookie Design Contest in the Share Center. Here are the winners of that contest.

By Wonderkinz3

By webkinzlover506

                  By kbk100PatienceWebkinz


These cookies are so cute and all three of the winners did a great job! Wouldn't it be so fun to be able to buy your own design! Great job to all the winners and this look back was so much fun! Please leave a comment bellow and tell me what you think! Thank You!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

                                    New Floaty Clicky 

                  New Floaty Clicky

There is a new floaty clicky in Webkinz World! But it will be a surprise so you have to log in to find out what it is! I can tell you the prizes though, they are...

                       The rare item is a mystery! Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think. Thank You!

                     Hi everyone,

                       I'm Caroline

Hi, I am one of the writers and co. producer of Webkinz Newz Mini. I am helping my very good friend Lexie, with this blog and it is so much fun to be working with my friend! I am here because I thought this was a very good idea and wanted to be apart of this great adventure! 

Caroline: Hi Lexie, This was such a great idea to make this blog and I am looking forward to helping you for a long time.

Lexie: Oh thank you so much, that is really nice of you to say! And I am looking forward to working with you a long time as well!

                       Please leave a comment below and Thank You for joining us!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

                      Party Packs!


                       Party Packs!

Attention everyone! The Party Packs now work! I am so happy that the party packs work now! I have been waiting for a while for it to work! To celebrate, if I get two or more views and two or more comments on this post, I will plan a party in the clubhouse. So make sure to tell everyone who has a webkinz account to check out ( WebkinzNewzMini.blogspot .com )!!I will tell you more about this fun party when I get
more views and comments! thank you!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

                  Wacky Weekend!

                  Wacky Weekend!

There will be another Wacky Weekend in Webkinz World, September 12-14! When you have finished the challenge!
                                                          The challenge is...

#1 Earn 100 KinzCash playing Wacky’s Bullseye Batter in the Games Arcade
#2 Win 2 games of Dogbeard’s Bathtub Battles at the Tournament Arena
#3 Buy a Wacky Clay Sculpture Building Kit from the W-Shop

Then you will get the Bullseye Batter Trophy!

I am really exited! Leave a comment below and tell me what you think of this event 
Thank You!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

                                         I Have A Code!!

                                      I Have A Code!!

            W244  F6XW  3FUT  HJTS

      Here is a code for... But I am keeping it a secret. In the comments below, tell me what you get!
                                                           Thank You!!

               Meet the Mayor


               Meet the Mayor

      From October 9-13 we can go to the kinz-ville park and get a package from the Mayor and the prizes are...

                       As you can see there are two new prizes! I cant wait, this is so much fun!
              Tell me in the comments how exited you are and what are your favorite prizes! Thank You!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

                                                                  Wheel of wow prizes updated!!                                                                                                                                                                                                   wheel of wow prizes updated and the prizes for are...


And the prizes for webkinz mobile wheel are...

Last but not least the prizes for the Deluxe wheel are...

I am sure people are looking but no one is leaving any comments 
so please tell me what you think!!